EMBRYON artwork interpretations =============================== Glorifies it really a nazi/"master race" ideology??? (German censorship & cloning) Shiva wrote (Aug 23, 2001 05:12 p.m., on a Shiva site message board): Actually, I thought it was funny a german redid Embroyon (One of my favorite games) as I seem to remember the game almost being banned in Germany because of the blackglass and theme. Some people said it promoted a "new master race" and were uneasy about it. Of course, some people have the right to be sensitive, but it's also a case of some people getting a life as well, it's only a game after all, and there was no intent by Bally. Does anybody know more about this story? Did the BPjS really plan to censor (called "indizieren"(="indexing") in Germany) the artwork? "Indizieren" means that a game is forbidden to be advertized and to be played, showed or sold to people <18 years.At its beginning the German videogame censorship anyway did many very questionable censorships.E.g. they banned Activision's "River Raid"(because it's a war game) and they also first banned "Ghost'n'Goblins",because it has a story about zombie killing (which was enough for them to treat it equal with chainsaw zombie masacre movies) - later they uncensored this game again.(Nowadays most bloody ego-shooters/men-killing games and all genuine neo-nazi propaganda games become "indexed",but fortunately not blindly everything only roughly related to shooting anymore.) "Embryon" is IMO one of those pinball machines with the most beautiful and unique backglass pictures - a modern genesis fantasy that can be regarded as the cyberage's equivalent to the classical painting "Birth of the Venus". The Embryon artwork perhaps glorifies genetic engineering/cloning and may be a man's fantasy (but IMO there are way worse and more machoish pictures) but I don't see in it anything even remotely nazi-like. It looks to me rather like something inspired by latex trance paintings. The strange suit of the engineer(?) looks a bit (not exactly) like an early prototype of a psychedelic latex suit with a red chakra stimulation unit (that has a row of sonotrodes (tiny loudspeakes) on the chest),and also the dark glasses remind to an opto-acoustical mind machine.Even the hood/helmet may be an EEG bio-feedback device.In rubberist psychedelic technology there are inflatable rebirthing machines of latex in those someone can meditate in completely decoupled state - e.g. in therapeutical applications to overcome ones birth trauma,for superlearning or to experiment with out-of-body experiences. These machines function (much simplified) like a cross of sensory deprivation tank and shamanic sweat hut.Some versions have the shape of a large,2 walled globe;the person inside wears a breath mask with a hose to the outside for air supply. Although these devices are not transparent and look different than the fantasy picture of Embryon,they may have been the inspiration for it. Possibly the aversion against the backglass picture may have to do with that Germany has an "embryo protection law" that yet strictly forbids any "consuming use" of embryos for research and that also forbids cloning human beings.But today certainly nobody here would come in mind anymore to "index" this picture;in SF movies,tekkno flyers and the like there are lots of other clone fantasy pictures around.Even heroic men pictures in a style like once created by Hitler's female propaganda movie maker Leni Riefenstahl are available again;e.g. the German TV station SAT1 has an animated intro for cinema movies that shows multiple flying, golden shining,idealized ladies in dresses with the hands errected at the "sun" of a SAT1 logo in the "Lichtgebet" (light prayer) posture - a typical quotation of Leni Riefenstahl's estheticism. Interesting is that Hitler in the later years claimed to exterminate the Jews because the Jewish Zionist intention would be to become a suprerior "master race",while in reality vice versa the Zionism had previously stolen this idea from nobody else than Hitler himself.Nowadays of all just Israel is one of the very few nations in the world those don't ban the research on embryo cells and cloning yet (also because the Jews believe that a embryo receives its soul from God not until the 40th day of pregnancy). Nowadays where cloning becomes possible (which was not the case when Embryon was created),also here in Germany there are many discussions on TV now what the chances and risks of cloned/genetically upgraded human beings would be.But that the Raelists (with their company Clone-Aid.com) already now plan to commercially clone people is not good at all and will likely result in severe sufferance - not least because the technology is so faulty yet that a very high amount of freaks and dead-born babies will be the unavoidable result.Here is what Logologie says about cloning: Q:Does the Logologian term "human perfectation" include intentions of bree- ding a race of genetically modified or cloned human beings? No. Besides technical problems the present mankind would not be wise enough yet to apply such technologies in reasonable ways,therefore(independent from any motivation) it would much rather lead to a fatal desaster than to make this mankind benefit from messing around with its own genome.Possibly in 200 years the human race might be mature enough to decide about its own genetic future,but the present one with all its ferengiish egoism and warfare minis- tries definitely isn't. Beside this,to clone a race wouldn't help at all here.Monocultures of any kinds are bad;they hinder evolution and though prevent any further develop- ment.(Even simplest computer simulations with genetic algorithms prove this.) Imagine the mankind would be replaced by a dictatorship's cloned "superior master race" and then die out by the next new kind of flu - a cloned race of identical beings would not only be terribly boring,but likely also end up in a disaster. a genetic future prohecy... But however,I am sure that already in the near future clone tourism will come into being on this planet - much like today there is abortion tourism.And I prophesy that so far the present form of capitalism with all its meaningless vanity and egoistic machismo really persist and the mankind survives it,then future generations will start to genetically alter the appearance of their children - not as a planned "master race" or anything the like,but simply as a banal status symbol to boast with.Much like nowadays most common herd people already have begun to accept it as something completely "normal" that some people take the right to mutilate their own body with so-called "beauty" sur- gery,body piercings or tattoos (and thus short-circuit their nervous system which damages the connection to cosmic consciousness),just to boast with it or claim to be "individual"(instead of daring to have an individual oppinion), though future generations will take the right to design their own descendants because they will regard it as an act of creative individualism. And due to beauty ideals are nothing but fashion and thus change over time,the human race will unavoidably go through a phase where people will start to de- sign their children in the same silly ways like they nowadays breed and cross their cats and dogs as a product of vanity.There will be e.g. children with green striped skin or spiky,movable ears or modifications those skin can glow in the dark;possibly also eyes in the backhead will be added to enhance the viewfield.After misconstructed human beings sue their creators,soon strict laws will be created those forbid modifications those blatantly cause suffe- rance (like those painful bodily misconstructions,defects or disabilities known from nowadays designed dog breeds).Also modifications those favour sup- pression and slavery (like too low IQ) or those tend to be aggressive will be forbidden,but there will be no general ban of human gene modification like nowadays.After the gene companies will have made too much trouble to maximize their profits,revolts will occur and the entire breeding of human beings will be put under legal control of non-profit organizations. These future people will have an as different understanding of moral standards than we have in comparison to people from before 250 years.They will morally ban things the current mankind regards as normal (e.g. brain damaging drugs, environmental pollution or murdering animals for meat),while other things those nowadays are demonized without logical reasons (e.g. showing sex in public?) won't care them at all anymore,because they never grew up with tra- dited manmade dogmas nowadays people are still brainwashed by,and also the neccessarity for families will have vanished with the genetical production of human beings. I don't know if I would like to live that far in the future I saw on my travel through the light cone,but future is not predeterminated;the whirling stream of time forks into many directions,and the human race can still decide into which direction to row that rubber dinghy we all live in. Embryon is just a fantasy from 1981,and it is interesting that there were Ger- man censorship plans.In 1983 there was also a pop song by the band "Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark" with the title "Genetic Engineering".This song had a very cute and harmless sounding,musicbox-like plinkering accompaniment that(a bit like "Jingle Bells") immediately stuck to the brain like a track of good gunk music,but so far I understand it right,the text was an entire praise for genetically upgrading our children because this would be the only way to sur- vive or something like that.(There is a very distorted vocoder voice in the background,which sounds worse than VPinMAME's Embryon speech(also my LP record is quite worn off),though I yet still couldn't understand what it says.) This song had one of my favorite melodies,but when as a boy I started to learn En- glish,I was quite angry about the text,because it happened just upon a time where in Germany gene manipulation was everywhere publically demonized like the primary evil itself,though I wonder if this song also was planned to be put on the "index". (I am still strictly against gene patents on life and gene manipulated foods, because such foods are very risky and serve the only purpose of enabling big business trusts to make even more profit by exploiting or supressing smaller companies by gene patent monopolies.But due to in medicine genetical enginee- ring also has some benefits when used wisely,I nowadays don't blindly dam the entire genetic technology anymore,but only its abuse.) Does anybody know more about the story that Germany planned to censor Embryon and if they also intended to censor this pop song? MAY THE SOFTWARE BE WITH YOU! *============================================================================* I CYBERYOGI Christian Oliver(=CO=) Windler I I (teachmaster of LOGOLOGIE - the first cyberage-religion!) I I ! I *=============================ABANDON=THE=BRUTALITY==========================* {http://www.informatik.fh-hamburg.de/~windle_c/e_index.html}