squarewave tablehooter
with unique percussion |
This extremely rare squarewave tablehooter is based on an odd monophonic
variant of Hing Hon EK-001 sound
generator. Interesting is that the preset sounds and the great impulsive
POKEY percussion timbres are different. Unfortunately the instrument is
detuned by 5 full notes(!) and the plastic is terribly fragile. Also the
leftmost 2 keys and the 5th drumpad are fake.
Regarding the cable mess inside, this keyboard was likely a direct predecessor
of the MeiKe MK-320B.
In opposite to this it has a sustain button, a simple record/ playback
sequencer, 12 demos and a slide switch that muffles the main voice. The
3 step volume slide switch can not be set really low, but unlike older
Yongmeis it is at least sufficient not to hurt your ears.
warning: Never send a keyboard with this case through mail without
multiple centimeters(!) of padding (styrofoam, firmly crushed paper, fanfolded
cardboard or similar), because the plastic is brittle like glass and will
unavoidably shatter into a zillion of pieces as soon they toss it around
in the mail. (Older Yongmei keyboards original packaging contains no end
padding at all and thus is absolutely unsuited(!) for mail shipping.)
Yongmei MS-210B arrived with its right end smashed to about 30 small debris
because the vendor didn't pad the case end properly but despite warning
only wrapped the original box in a thin layer of bubble wrap, which is
in no way sufficient. A year before that I had ordered a MS-110A
with identical case, that was shattered similarly, but when I reported
that damage in a Deutsche Post post office, the spirt- nosed post
office clerk smeared a few words across the damage report form (instead
of filling out the entries), intentionally smashed the remains of the wrapped
keyboard with a huge 20kg parcel on a trolley and sent it back to the sender
despite I explicitly requested to sent it back to me after damage analysis.
I never saw that keyboard again nor I got any money back. Thus I did not
report the incident with the shattered MS-210B to a post office again,
but puzzled it together with a lot of superglue, which took a full day. |
The case style of the MS-210B still looks very much like a Yongmei transistor
tooter (see Golden Camel-7A) despite
it already contains digital hardware. Interesting is that the letters "MS-"
on the control panel here suggests the abbreviation "Musical Source", while
they normally are associated with Miles, MeiKe, Meiker
or the genuine name of the manufactures Meisheng. Like with other Yongmeis,
also here the manual contains a lot of false claims, and this one is especially
ridiculous, thus I quote it here since the text proudly advertises this
tablehooter in the style of earliest 1980th ads for a Roland TB-303
("computer controlled"...) or similar:
Thank you for purchasing MS-210B Luxury Computed Electronic Keyboard.
Wish you to enjoy yourself with MS-210B and have a wonderful time forever.
MS-210B is a portable instrument with varieties of beautiful tones.
Its multifunction is flexible and easy to operate. The following are the
Multiple Realistic Tone Quality
With noise absorbing circuit, sustaining circuit, and dual channels
of tone generator*, the MS-210B provides you
with accurate pitch**, beautiful tone quality,
sustain, vibrato, and excellent stereo effect***.
There are 8 different instruments and 4 kinds of percussion.
The MS-210B can record 62 notes and can playback. If the keys are not
touched within 5 minutes, the power of the computer will stop automatically.
*) In fact it is completely monophonic.
**) It is genuinely detuned by 5 full notes (i.e. 500 cent; 'C' is on 'G')
instead of having "Tone Quality < 3CENTS"
like claimed in its feature list. ***) In reality the amplifier is completely
is a big button with the fancy name "computer start" and 12 white keys
are marked with cryptic looking green letters (which awakes memories to
the great age of of Casio's early 1980th keyboards). Unfortunately
this mysterious button turns out to be only the standby on/ off switch,
which needs to be pressed additionally to the normal power switch to turn
the instrument on, and the standby not even turns off the internal amplifier,
which voids the wannabe auto- power off feature of the "computer" to save
batteries. The manual also mentions a mysterious "Encircled Sound" button,
which in fact seems to be the 3rd slide switch which simply makes the main
voice duller by a capacitor. (I could imagine that the name "Encircled
Sound" was genuinely the Chinese to Engrish translation for stereo
chorus - a feature that would make no sense in a mono keyboard anyway.) |
At least there are schematics on the back of the manual; unfortunately
the CPU pin numbers are missing and also the amplifier IC seems to be different,
which limits its use badly.
main features:
42 midsize keys + 2 fake keys for one key play
2 built-in speakers (mono)
monophonic main voice
8 OBS preset sounds {trumpet, ukulele, piano, saxophone, music box, flute,
oboe, church bell}
8 OBS preset rhythms {ballad, 8 beat, rock, chacha, waltz, beguine, swing,
march} with unique percussion
master volume slide switch (3 steps)
tempo +/- buttons (16 steps)
muffle slide switch (mislabelled "sustain")
vibrato & sustain button (vibrato modulates CPU clock)
4 drumpad buttons {bell, base, snare, hihat} (wrong icons show {bell, snare,
open hihat, close hihat}, fake 5th button starts demos)
sound generator like Hing Hon EK-001,
but with only monophonic main voice and different percussion. The piano
sound ignores key press duration.
percussion {bell, base, snare, hihat} resembling Hing
Hon EK-001 (great impulsive POKEY blip sounds).
CPU= "210" (called "FE-2" in schematics, 42 pin COB)
simple sequencer (monophonic record/ playback of 62 notes, no edit, with
one key play)
12 demo melodies (monophonic with standard rhythms)
partial auto- power off (doesn't turn off the amplifier)
jacks for microphone, headphone & AC- adapter
Apparently the batteries were early planned to the right, |
a lot of cable mess inside,... |
and what the fuck - an iron weight! |
Like with Hing Hon EK-001, when
multiple sound buttons are held down simultaneously, the CPU switches quickly
between the selected sounds, resulting in a rough and buzzy kind of fast
arpeggiator effect (like known from C64 SID musics). Most of the resulting
sounds are relatively disharmonious, but they are unique and sound quite
massive. (In unmodified state some of these button combinations mess up
the keyboard matrix and though cause undesired side effects like disturbing
drum pads etc.)
The standby button ("computer start") can be used to chop the main voice,
because decaying notes continue to decay after powering on again (the envelope
capacitor keeps its charge).
Switching power off makes held notes howl down.
Like with the old Yongmei transistor tooters (see Golden
Camel-7A), the hardware contains a horrible cable mess; the switch
contacts are of sheet metal scratching on bare copper PCB traces, and also
the key contacts employ such leaf switches. At least there are polarity
protection diodes to prevent battery explosion during mains operation.
Very bizarre is that the lightweight plastic case is weighted by 2 thick
iron bar weights, those serve no other purpose than making it even more
fragile during shipping. The mono amplifier PCB looks like with MeiKe
MK-320B. The operation of the 5 slide switches is very confusing
because they are totally mislabelled. Switch 1 is the power switch. Switch
enables the 2 leftmost fake keys for one key play (when off, they do nothing).
Switch 3 makes the main voice duller (using a capacitor). Switch 4 apparently
does nothing. Switch 5 is the 3 step master volume control. Very annoying
is that the main voice is detuned by 5 full notes, which can be fixed by
changing the CPU clock resistor.
The preset sounds employ the same multipulse squarewave sound generator
with capacitor envelope like Hing Hon EK-001,
but the timbres are programmed differently. The continuous tones (like
flute) have all a slow attack phase and contain all at least 1 second of
sustain (like a pipe organ). The sustain button adds a long 3 seconds sustain
(or disables it where enabled) and the vibrato button adds a 6Hz vibrato.
The "trumpet" has enabled sustain (3 seconds) and sounds rather like a
bright metal pipe organ rank. The "ukulele" has a buzzy harsh timbre with
8Hz mandolin ring. The "piano" has enabled sustain and ignores key press
duration. The "saxophone" corresponds to "organ" on EK-001 (the classic
sonorous multipulse squarewave pipe organ timbre with enabled sustain).
"music box" and "flute" sounds like intended. "oboe" corresponds to "violin"
on EK-001 (another sonorous multipulse timbre). "church bell" is a metallic
multipulse timbre with sustain.
The percussion has the same wonderful impulsive POKEY style like with
Hon EK-001, but the sounds are slightly different. The "bell" is
a little lower, the "base" is a little lower and decays faster, the "snare"
is more impulsive and decays much faster (i.e. more realistic). The close
hihat is the same and also most rhythms of the MS-210B are the same; many
are simply renamed. The "rock" corresponds to "pop" on EK-001, "8 beat"
to "disco", "beguine" to "rhumba". Only "chacha" replaces here "tango".
The primitive sequencer is always in record mode and records all notes
until it runs out of memory. The recording can be played back with "playback"
button or note by note with the leftmost 2 fake piano keys (labelled "RECORD
TEST"). To enable these keys, the 2nd slide switch must be in the "on"
position. Although the sequencer is fairly useless since played notes always
append to its contents, it is impressive that it does not interfere at
all with rhythms, thus you can start, stop and change rhythm or tempo without
any effect on the playing sequence. The tempo setting has no effect on
the playback speed.
The demo musics of this instrument are monophonic with standard rhythm.
The demos are started by pressing the rightmost fake drumpad button (which
turns off the green power LED). Other demos can be selected through 12
of the white keyboard keys those are marked with green letters. A little
funny is that written over 2 adjacent of these keys stands here "DEMONSTR
| ATE SONGS". When I read it first, I though: "Huh, what demon monster
ate songs?!". ;-) |
The 12 demos of this instrument are:
American Patrol
It Is A Small World
Old Macdonald Had A Farm
Yankee Doodle
This Old Man
Wooden Heart
Happy Birthday To You
Silent Night
Home Sweet Home
Symphony No. 9
Mary Had A Little Lamb
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
A direct predecessor of this instrument was the Yongmei
MS-110A. Another monophonic Hing Hon EK-001 variant with 12 demos
was the Playskool - Kid Keys PS-635.
of these screws voids warranty... |