Bontempi KS 4600
(bad sounding wannabe sound bank keyboard with lo-fi percussion)
This noisy digital tablehooter would certainly rank on one of the higher
places in a "worst keyboard of the world" contest, because despite this
initially 199DM (about 100€) expensive wannabe sound bank thing had
160(!) fancy named preset sounds, they all sound similar and are made from
only few static digital waveforms (each 2 mixed sine waves?) with very
few and primitive volume envelopes.
All sounds are infested with strong digital aliasing noise and have audible
zipper noise. In unmodified state this thing yells ear tormentingly loud
out of its hollow roaring speaker unless you turn volume lower, but this
makes the sound even worse because the digital volume control steals bits
from the low resolution DAC. The percussion is made from low- res samples
and sound quite bassy; especially the tom drum distorts extremely and the
cymbal decay phase drowns in aliasing noise.
main features:
40 midsize keys
built-in speaker (small with unpleasant midrange resonance)
main voice polyphony 6 notes (only 3 with accompaniment)
160 preset sounds (selected by 3 digit numbers)
24 preset rhythms {16 beat, disco, funky, rhythm & blues, fusion, ballad,
pop ballad, rock, hard rock, jazz rock, pop, twist, swing, boogie, country
blues, waltz, country, march, tango, rhumba, bossanova, samba, lambada,
reggae} (selected through 2 digit numbers)
cipher buttons + "enter" (to select sounds & rhythms)
digital volume control (16 steps, reduce bit resolution badly)
separate digital accompaniment volume control (8 steps, affect also rhythm
but no bass line)
tempo +/- buttons (32 steps, also used for volume control)
single finger & fingered chord accompaniment (manual chord with rhythm
off, only standard chords)
"System 5" knob switch {easy chord program, single finger, free chord I,
free chord II, full keyboard}
sustain button
intro/ fill-in button
5 rubber drumpads {base, snare, tom, closed cymbal, open cymbal}
6 assignable single finger chord pads
sound generator uses for main voice each a static digital waveform (made
from 2 mixed sine waves?) + primitive volume envelope (attack- decay) with
audible zipper noise and unpleasant aliasing noise.
percussion made from low- res samples
CPU "Texas Instruments COMUS 2743239, D45004N, ©1987 TI LS 9123, 20714
Philippines" (40 pin DIL) with separate ROM(?) "Texas Instruments TMS27PC256-2NL,
ALDI 129AN, Italy" (28 pin DIL, paper sticker "3220 9901")
auto power- off
demo melody (long medley, monophonic with standard accompaniments)
jacks for AC- adapter & line out
Pressing "demo" during a chord plays the demo in that key (very cacophonic).
shitshot by power on/ off buttons does much stuff (e.g. changes organ chord
preset volume trimmer adjusted to room volume.
The user interface of this tablehooter is a bit awkward; the volume
control it has no volume control buttons but the tempo +/- buttons
serve this purpose when pressed while holding the "sound/ master vol."
button (which normally switches cipher buttons to sound select mode). For
rhythm/ accompaniment volume control hold down "rhythm/ acc. vol." instead
(switches normally cipher buttons to rhythm select). Strange is that the
latter does not control the bass volume of the accompaniments. Theoretically
these 2 buttons could have been omitted anyway, because by the count of
entered digits the hardware should recognize whether a sound or rhythm
number is entered.
PCB has trimmers for tuning and volume preset. You can add here a real
volume potentiometer or at least turn down the preset volume (very recommended),
because the given volume control badly reduces the (anyway low) bit resolution
of the sound. With internally adjusted volume the sound turns at least
bearable. Bizarre is that the separate ROM(?) IC was covered with a white
paper sticker "3220 9901", and its real label underneath contains the word
"ALDI", which is a big German supermarket chain that over the years sold
multiple Bontempi keyboards models in custom printed package boxes.
(My KS 4600 box and case has no hints to ALDI on it.)
Despite the 160 main voice preset sounds include multiple variants of
exciting names like "xylo spring", "analog", "fx piano", "cosmic", "fantasy",
"fant. piano", "cosmic piano", "synth spinet", "space", "peak", "metal
guitar", "odyssey" etc., they are all made from each a static digital waveform
(Hammond- like timbres, possibly 2 mixed sine waves) combined with one
of only few different attack- decay envelopes, thus most presets sound
not remotely natural. It is not worth the effort to explain them in detail
here, because at first hear they all simply resemble either cheap tooting
analogue home organ tones or Rhodes piano sounds (with different
decay rates), but unlike these they contain much digital aliasing noise.
The preset sounds contain neither vibrato nor tremolo nor any pitch changes
(not to say complex stuff like ringing mandolins) and with sustain off
all notes stop immediately after releasing a key. I guess they employ only
about 5 different envelopes {envelope- less toot, toot with slower
attack rate, 3 differently fast decay envelopes}. I consider this almost
a fraud, because the sounds are way too similar to deserve 160 differently
named ones (the individual sounds of an MC-3
differ more). Instead of this annoying pseudo- sound- bank Bontempi
better should have added 4 synth buttons (envelope +/- and timbre +/- like
the "voice variator" on Yamaha PSS-80)
to combine every waveform with every envelope in an easy and logical usable
way, but apparently Bontempi attempted to visually compete by raw
force with
Casio and Yamaha instruments although they had
no technical means to do so. And by the too high preset volume the blatant
sound flaws get even more obvious, because the thing always comes up at
maximum volume after power- on, which makes the small speaker distort unless
the digital volume control is set so low that the this way reduced bit
resolution ruins the sound quality instead. Likely this was intended to
yell together all shopping center customers to make them quickly turn their
head and look for the sudden noise source, but I severely doubt that when
found this made them in any way interested in buying one of these tablehooters
- not to forget that it certainly made the shop staff as quickly decide
to remove all batteries and power supply from such a roaring beast in the
display shelf to make it stay quiet for the rest of the season until it
collects dust. The peak of impudence is that Bontempi advertised
this yelling beast on the box with the feature "high fidelity speaker for
the best sound"; in the German language version instead it is called "Hochleistungs-
Lautsprecher" (in English "high- power speaker"), which is at least a less
incorrect description.
The percussion is monophonic and made from low- res samples; especially
the tom drum distorts extremely and the cymbal decay phase drowns in aliasing
noise. The lo-fi drums sound quite fat and bassy and may be nice for tekkno.
Annoying is that the tempo can be set not much lower than medium, although
it can be otherwise set quite high.
The accompaniments of different rhythms contain different sounds and
are nicely made. There is even an "intro/ fill-in" button for the rhythms.
Without rhythm the accompaniment plays always the same organ chord timbre,
that makes a quiet popping noise during chord changes. The finger combination
to play a chord depends on "System 5 " knob setting. The mode "free chord
II" is classic fingered chord mode; you even can play any non- chord key
combinations, although with accompaniment plays monophonic with non- chords.
Without rhythm the organ chords hold until releasing all keys in the accompaniment
section. Like with Bontempi GT 509,
you can assign chords to 6 rubber button pads. For this set the "System
5" knob to "easy chord program", "single finger" or "free chord I" and
pressing "record". Then play a chord in the accompaniment section of the
keyboard and simultaneously press the pad you want to assign it to. Press
"record" again to finish. (Stored chords are erased by auto power- off.)
The demo music plays a very long medley of partly very short songs those
employ standard accompaniments with monophonic main voice.
The Old Folks at Home
Song of Joy
It's a Groovy Kind of Love
American Farewell (?)
Love Me Tender
Auld Lang Syne
Yankee Doodle
When the Saints Go Marching In
La Paloma [long and nice]
[known country song]
[fast latin music]
Lambada (sort-of)
[rock organ]
Bontempi released a lot of other keyboard variants with the same
case design like the KS 4600, those have different count of preset
sounds, different controls and possibly a different sound generator. E.g.
there are Bontempi KS 3400 (32 keys, no drumpads), KS 4400
(40 keys, no drumpads, 96 sounds, 16 rhythms, "arranger" (= sequencer?)).
Apparently the successor series (blue pads and writing) were Bontempi
AT 606 (32 keys, 60 sounds, 30 rhythms, buttons instead of knob, no
drumpads), AT 707 (40 keys, 60 sounds, 30 rhythms, 30 "arrangements"
(= accompaniments?), drumpads left next to the speaker), Bontempi BT
704 (40 keys, 24 sounds, 24 rhythms 6 combined drum/ chord pads), BT
704/S (40 keys, 36 sounds, 24 rhythms). Later variants (with green
panel stuff: Bontempi - Kids Music KT 32 (32 keys), KM 40
(40 keys) | with blue panel stuff: BT 605 (32 keys), BT 705
(40 keys)) were already based on the 666 sounds hardware like Bontempi
GT 509. A smaller and even worse sounding keyboard based on the
same sound generator like KS 4600 is the Bontempi
ES 3300.
of these screws voids warranty... |