Fujitone I
(monophonic squarewave toy keyboard)
This smallest Fujitone keyboard is nothing spectacular, but it features
only extremely pure and basic plain squarewave tones, those in their simplicity
don't exist on many other keyboards (not even on 1980th ones).
On the box the 2 buttons are green instead of red. |
The black case of this instrument is an imitation of the Yamaha
PSS-30, besides that is has the tone scale letter row below and
not above the keyboard. It has also way less features and thus only 2 red,
slanted buttons {piano, organ} (same shape like buttons of the Hing
Hon EK-001) in right upper corner and 2 grey slide switches. The
original multi- language box is yellow with a photo of the instrument,
a black "Fujitone I" label and green writing "ELECTRONIC KEYBOARD". On
the box photo the 2 buttons are green. (No photos available because mine
is in my parents house in another city.)
main features:
32 mini keys
4 step volume switch
2 OBS preset sounds {organ, piano}
keys have extraordinary precise note timing response
4 monophonic demo melodies
no rhythm
no sound output nor AC- adapter jack
sound generation produces only a pure plain squarewave tone either with
or without a fixed volume decay envelope. The "piano" sound ignores key
press duration and thus plays always the same note length. The CPU is a
crystal clocked (i.e. not howling) COB module (22 pins) with envelope capacitor.
"auto power off" feature
Like the Medeli MC-11, this instrument
has an extraordinary precise key timing response which permits (with some
skill) to play extremely short, blipping notes those most modern keyboards
would rather ignore or play too long. Like with the MC-11, the CPU
truncates the piano envelope after 0,5s, but due to a smaller envelope
capacitor (only 1nF?) it is not audible here.
The 4 demo melodies are selected by 4 keys in "auto" mode. They are:
MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMP (regard this typo, it should spell "lamb")
Unusual is that in piano mode these melodies play some of their notes with
and others without the piano envelope, like when the player would switch
between "piano" and "organ" depending on the desired note duration. The
melodies can not be stopped besides by switching the instrument off, and
also the sound can not be switched by hand so long the melodies play.
of these screws voids warranty... |