- My Song Maker, Miles 3738 (improved & bugfixed
Music Center successor)
Alaron - My Song Maker
This is the direct successor of My Music Center (see there);
sounds and behaviour are almost identical. The greatest benefit of this
instrument is that the chip flaw is gone and though 2 voiced music can
be played now without problems. Also the keyboard has been extended to
37 keys.

The preset sounds and percussion are identical but unfortunately the
great animal samples are gone. This thing has also now 22 demo melodies,
those individual bars (with full accompaniment) can be repeated in a loop
by the "one key play" feature, which can be interesting for tekkno. In
the manual this instrument is called "RY-9057T", the PCB is labelled "MC9057-01G,
different main features:
less pretty case with 2 loudspeakers (no stereo).
now 37 mini keys
8 OBS rhythms {new age, march, samba, blues, slowrock, disco, waltz, rock}
animal samples have been replaced with boring "samba" drumrolls.
now 22 demo tunes available (but less nice ones than before).
"one key play" mode for demo tunes exists (with full accompaniment).
the 38 notes sequencer ignores drum pad presses now.
start-up jingle
button presses make a beep instead of hihat sound
CPU "MC9057-02C, 98.2" (22 pin(?) COB module)
battery warning plays a jingle when keyboard is not played for some minutes.
rest is identical with My Music Center
cinch sound output + speaker mute switch added
AC adapter jack with voltage regulator added
I may add pitchbend/ clock speed hacks later. The hardware is very similar
like My Music Center.
The extended keyboard range provides now higher and though even more
intermodulation- distorted great digital sounds. The "one key play" feature
of the 22 demo tunes provides tons of continuously repeating accompaniment
loops with arpeggio and partly very strange patterns when no keys are pressed.
Despite in this mode can not be played on the instrument's keyboard, they
can form a great basis for tekkno variants or other meditative music. (In
this mode fortunately even no auto- power- off feature quits the continuous
repetitive performance.)
The demo melodies of this instrument are (according to the manual):
Jingle Bells
Say Hello
Row Your Boat
Joy To The World [wrong song]
Little Brown Jug
Hark The Herald Angles Sing
The First Note
Are You Sleeping
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Happy Birthday
Little Bee
Wiegenlted [misspelled German "Wiegenlied" - should be lullaby]
Mary Had A Little Lamb
OH! X'mas Tree
Yankee Doodle
Little Miner
Happy Reunion
Ten Little Indians
Republic March
We Wish You A Merry X'mas
Long Long Ago
The Little Donkey
Most of these tunes are quite short; the orchestration is not bad but these
melodies have far less quality than the great original My Music Center
The My Song Maker keyboard was sold by Toys 'R' Us and
also variants with the same CPU but other cases and brand names may exist.
In an electronics shop I once even saw a cheap, black non- toy home keyboard
which had additional LEDs and mid size keys, but apparently contained the
same 2 note polyphonic toy keyboard CPU. (It seemed to have more than 37
keys, but the left most keys were just wired as drum pads.) Variants of
this keyboard can be recognized by having similar elements like My Music
Center but 37 keys and under the 4 drum pads stands S1.. S4 and there
is a button labelled something with "samba" (for drumroll mode) and a "one
key play" button.
A My Song Maker variant with key lighting (but only 32 keys)
is the Elta - Kid Line Keyboard. Also
a totally different looking keyboard model was released under the name
- My Song Maker (seen on eBay), which has an asymmetric case
(red with yellow speaker and green drumpads to the left, blue control panel,
some word- shaped buttons) and exists also in a Bontempi version.
Attention: There are predecessors of this keyboard CPU those
employ the same control panel layout like above but still have the keyboard
flaw of My Music Center and also don't feature its great accompaniment
loops of the "one key play" mode. If any possible, I urgently recommend
to test- play it before buying. One of these faulty predecessors was the
Fun - Melody Keyboard keyboard.
Miles 3738

Also this quite oversized midsize tablehooter contains nothing else than
a My Song Maker CPU (and thus is only
2 note polyphonic). 7 of the keys are fake and do the same like 4 of the
drumpads since the CPU supports only 37 keys. Unusual for such a thing
is the built-in power supply.

This keyboard was also released as SK-3738 and JT 3738 Portable
Electronic Melody Maker (with yellow, green, red and blue buttons,
seen on eBay).
different main features:
44 midsize keys (only 37 real ones, 7 are fake and wired parallel to 4
drumpad buttons)
2 built-in 10cm speakers (quite loud)
additional status LEDs for {tempo, record, onekey, select}
jacks for speakers & phones output
mains operated (AC 220V)
7 fake keys play drumpads. |
cipher labels camouflage the OBS button controls. |
I remember that in Germany this instrument was offered in an electronics
component shop for about 59 DM (about 24€) already before the normal
Song Maker appeared at Toys 'R' Us. This tablehooter yells quite
even at the lowest volume setting and the sound contains quite strong beeping
static key matrix noise (independent from the volume setting). A bit confusing
is that the OBS buttons of preset sounds and rhythms are labelled only
with the numbers "00" to "07" instead of sound and rhythm names, and their
names are listed in the manner of a sound bank keyboard instead. Apparently
the designer of this tablehooter attempted to camouflage the OBS controls
of this instrument to give it the visual appearance of its technically
more advanced sound bank competitors. Also the demo song names are listed
on the control panel and contain various Engrish misspellings. A possible
predecessor of this yelling thing was the bizarre Miles
- Golden Camel-11AB.
of these screws voids warranty... |