MP-1 |
first key lighting keyboard,
keyboard with score printer |
Yamaha PC-100
This Yamaha instrument from 1982 was likely the world first keyboard
with key lighting feature. Unlike modern such keyboards, not the keys itself
but a row of tiny LEDs above the keys flash up to teach keyboard playing.
The musics to be learned are stored on so-called PlayCards, those
show the musical score and have a strip of magnetic tape on their lower
edge that stores the music data, much like nowadays MIDI files.
This is the instrument in its carry case. |
To read the data, the card is simply moved by hand from right to left through
a slot on the instrument top, which only takes a second (extremely fast
in comparison to that time's homecomputer datasette tapes and diskettes).
The PlayCard musics are quite complex orchestrated and contain multiple
accompaniment voices; thus they were far superior to the barcode reader
approach of Casio's competitor MT-70
and resemble rather the quality of Casio's later used ROM- Pack
cartridge technology.
The main voice preset sounds are cold and very bright and resemble simple
2 operator FM sounds; interesting is the cheesy "vibraphone" sound which
has slow tremolo. The single finger accompaniment has a nice arpeggio.
The rhythms employ blip percussion of quite unique electronic style with
semi- metallic hissing cymbals (a bit like Casio
SK-1) and may be interesting for tekkno. The original German retail
price of the PC-100 was 990DM (about 445€).
main features:
44 midsize keys
key lighting with 30 red & yellow LEDs above the main (non chord) keys
slot with a tape head for reading PlayCards
main voice polyphony 8 notes (only 4 with accompaniment)
10 semi- OBS preset sound {organ, trumpet, clarinet, piano, guitar | piccolo,
violin, oboe, harpsichord, vibraphone} selected by 5 locking buttons +
bank a switch button.
10 semi- OBS preset rhythms {march, waltz, jazz rock, swing, rhumba | disco,
slow rock, 16 beat, bossanova, samba} selected by 5 locking buttons + bank
a switch button.
locking push button switches to select sounds and rhythms
single finger accompaniment (manual organ chord with rhythm off)
2 switchable accompaniment variations per rhythm
sustain, single finger chord & variation buttons
master volume slider
sliders for auto bass-, arpeggio- and rhythm volume (each 8 steps?)
tempo slider
transpose knob (-5..+6 semitones)
sound generator layers 2 static digital waveforms with independent envelopes,
which sounds quite bright and a bit harsh; with low notes sample aliasing
gets audible. The trumpet, violin, oboe and piccolo have a delayed vibrato
that fades in only after the sustain phase of the envelope begins.
The drums sound like squarewave blips, the hihats sound somewhat metallic
and may be shift register noise or a very low- res waveform sample.
jacks for line out, AC adapter and analogue volume pedal
Above the keys are the key lighting LEDs. At the top
is the PlayCard slot. |
These are the key lighting control buttons. The round knob
is for transpose. |
This is a PlayCard; much like a MIDI file the data tape
strip contains the music data. |
I didn't examine the hardware of this instrument closer yet, but I could
imagine that there may be a hidden sequencer in it because the hardware
used for PlayCard reading and playback (RAM etc.) is basically the
same like the one for a sequencer. Possibly the sequencer might even save
data onto PlayCards, but Yamaha disabled this to prevent users from
accidentally overwriting their precious pre- recorded cards (or to avoid
disturbing Yamaha's own PlayCard sale interests). Nowadays these cards
are not made anymore; it would be interesting to find out the PlayCard
data format to make own PlayCards from MIDI files; beside the main voice,
PlayCards contain also accompaniment information, because the PC-100 plays
them often with more complex accompaniment than the normal built-in ones.
The Yamaha MK-100 had a sequencer
that can save its data on audio cassettes; possibly there are technical
similarities in the data format. Has anybody more information on this?
This instrument sounds very bright and almost harsh; thus the "harpsichord"
is the most natural sound on it. The PC-100 sounds much like when Yamaha
attempted to replicate the at that time modern timbre of their digital
FM instruments on cheaper non- FM hardware, thus this keyboard sounds extremely
different from the rather muffled analogue timbre of my first PortaSound
PS-2. The locking push
buttons were likely taken from the previous analogue PortaSounds
where their multiple contacts had been technically necessary. A nice sound
effect of the PC-100 is the arpeggio, which has a harp- like timbre and
is a typical element of early 1980th keyboards; most modern keyboards don't
feature this chinking and slightly cheesy accompaniment style anymore.
The PC-100 was shipped with thesePlayCards.
(I haven't examined the hardware yet.)
The "organ" is rather Hammond than church style; it quickly grows
slightly duller during its percussive attack phase (likely by crossfading
2 waveforms). The "piano" sounds more like an electric than acoustic one
and the bass range strongly resembles a gently picked nylon guitar; "harpsichord"
sounds much more realistic. The "trumpet" sounds way too thin and harsh.
"trumpet", "violin", and "oboe" have a delayed 7Hz vibrato. "guitar" attempts
to be a bright acoustic one. The "vibraphone" has a strong and cheesy sounding
3Hz tremolo, includes sustain and ignores the sustain switch. All other
sounds stop almost immediately after key release when sustain is not pressed.
The single finger chord mode employs an envelopeless electronic organ
chord timbre, while the automatic accompaniment during rhythm plays a kind
of piano chord made from the same waveform with decay envelope, combined
with an e-bass. In manual chord mode the variation button toggles between
a very bright and a less bright organ timbre or vice versa depending on
the selected rhythm. (There are 2 chord timbres in total, those are also
used by the accompaniments.)
A fullsize variant of the PC-100 was released in 1983 as Yamaha
PC-1000 (49 keys, metallic with dark control panel, case style like
PS-55 but only 1 speaker, very rare). A white PC-100 variant with slide
switches instead of push buttons was later released as Yamaha PC-50
(seen on eBay). 2 variants without
PlayCard reader (and no
key lighting) were made as Yamaha PS-400
and PS-300 (I read
the manual). The black PS-400 had a chord sequencer, 4-bar rhythm variation
switch and duet mode. The beige PS-300 (with beige carry case) has far
less features; it has only 37 keys and 8 preset sounds and is missing many
features like the chord sequencer, chord variation, transposer knob, duet
mode and even lacks the arpeggio. (The Yamaha PS-500 looks identical
and Yamaha PSS-401 seems to be a golden 44 keys variant of it.)
These instruments were likely intended as digital successors of the analogue
PS-2 and PS-3. Also the Yamaha PS-200 from 1984 seems
to be a black PS-300 variant with slide switches instead of push buttons
and 3 built-in demo melodies. In 1984 the larger
PlayCard keyboard
PCS-500 was released as successor of the PC-100; it featured
49 midsize keys, stereo symphonic (rotary speaker simulation), fingered
chord and warmer sound, but unfortunately has no arpeggio anymore. A small
PlayCard keyboard with only 32 keys and squarewave sound was released as
PCS-30. Later Yamaha released some ROM based key lighting
instruments like e.g. the small TYU-30.
Yamaha MP-1
This keyboard was a close variant of the Yamaha
PC-100, but instead of the PlayCard key lighting feature
it had as the world only such midsize keyboard a built-in musical score

This printer is a small plotter that draws music notes on a narrow paper
strip using a small ball pen. It either prints immediately all played notes,
or prints the recorded contents of an internal sequencer. There is also
an additional duet mode and much like Yamaha
PS-30 it has a stupid "4 bar" button switch that automatically
inserts a rhythm fill-in every 4th bar; a manual fill-in button would have
been much more useful here. Due to the strong similarity I only mention
the differences to the PC-100 here.
different main features:
neither PlayCard slot nor key lighting
built-in musical score printer (draws notes on narrow paper strip using
a small ball pen)
button for automatic 4 bar fill-in
duet mode
sequencer (polyphonic)
tuning trimmer
complex multi-chip hardware: (according to Scott Nordlund)
CPU2= "Yamaha YM1034" (key/button scanning, controls sound IC)
sound IC= "Yamaha YM1019"
plotter CPU= "Hitachi HD44820A71"
3x SRAM= "Toshiba TC5516AFL" (each 2kB)
RAM/ ROM controller?= "IG07806"
PCB has a grid of empty test solder pads. |
My MP-1 specimen is missing the plotter pen, thus I could not test
the plotter yet, but the plot head seems to move correctly. The big main
PCB is fairly crowded. Interesting is that Yamaha introduced in
this hardware class already in 1982 digital mixing of rhythm, accompaniment,
arpeggio and main voice, while
Casio used analogue mixing until
late 1980th (abandoned with Casio MT-540);
despite the separate volume sliders are potentiometers, they are polled
digitally with each only 8 steps. The instrument even assigns polyphony
channels of muted parts to the main voice when a slider is set to zero.
circuit bending details
I haven't analyzed this hardware by myself, but Scott
Nordlund made a great hardware analysis of it. This is what he wrote
(slightly edited by me):
I just got an MP-1 a few days ago (serial number 017836) and
I spent some time checking it out. Hope you find this interesting:
solder side (surface mount):
Oki MSM80C85A: 8-bit CPU, not sure if models like the PS-400 have
this or if the YM1034 can handle all those duties, maybe this CPU is just
for sequencer? Also, there isn't a ROM chip, the IG07806 might include
Toshiba TC5516AFL (x3): 2048 byte SRAM (6KByte total), probably works as
printer buffer and sequence memory (might be good for circuit-bending)
Hitachi HD44820A71: 4-bit microcomputer with built-in ROM, used here to
control the printer
component side:
4558DV: dual op amp
4560D: op amp
TL061CP: op amp
LA4138: audio amplifier
M5232L: voltage detector alarm (low voltage shut-off?)
LB1257: 8-channel driver, for printer
4066BP: quad analog switch (audio processing)
4051BP: 8-channel analog multiplexer (audio processing)
4069UBP: hex inverter
50H000P (x2): inverting hex level translator (to drive the DAC)
40H174P (x2): hex D-type flip-flop
40H074P: dual D-type flip-flop
40H368P (x2): inverting buffer
40H373: octal D-type latch
40H139: 4-line demultiplexer
40H032: quad 2-input OR
40H000: quad 2-input NAND
40H374: octal D-type flip-flop
YM1034: key/button scanning, controls tone generator
YM1019: tone generator
IG07806: likely some kind of interface to the RAM, and/or program ROM for
the 80C85 ???
strange integrated components: SI4Z205IN, and one other I can't see, maybe
these work as filters
The DAC is basically just a resistor network, 10-bit I think, I don't know
the sample rate. There are some additional chips that I guess act
as sample and hold (4051 and 4066), etc. which is apparently more sophisticated
than the DAC configuration that Casio used at the time. All audio
is digitally generated and mixed (main tone, chords, bass, arpeggio, and
drums), and output as a single channel, no filters or anything like Casios
had, no multiplexing or anything (this is strange- most other keyboards
I've seen feature at least some analog mixing for different parts, like
the PSS-130, PSS-570,
etc., and this was in 1982! Anyway I had hoped I could add separate
outputs for different sounds, oh well..).
Of course there are sliders for individual volumes, but this doesn't
work the way you'd think. The YM1019 sends out a reference voltage
that feeds the potentiometers, the control voltages from these are read
by different pins of the YM1019 (not multiplexed and scanned like the key
matrix). I had noticed that sounds mute completely when turned to
the lowest level, this even intelligently assigns voices- when the arpeggio
is on, the upper keyboard part is 3-note polyphonic. When it's turned
low enough, it turns off completely and you now have 4-note polyphony.
I also noticed that the chord/arpeggio/rhythm volume sliders only work
in 8 steps. I'm happy anyway that the final volume control is analog.
I messed around with the button scanning matrix and didn't find any
eastereggs, though I may not have been looking in the right places.
Unlike most keyboards, it's a bit more difficult to find the matrix lines
because it's all on one board, no multiple boards with ribbon connectors
like I'm used to seeing.
I don't have a working oscilloscope so testing some of this stuff was
a bit difficult. And of course I couldn't view waveforms directly.
It would be worth looking at the audio output to see what the waveforms
look like, but I haven't done this yet. By simultaneously touching the
audio amplifier pins and the printer pins, you can hear the printer signals-
pretty cool. Also I noticed that if you similarly "listen" to the
RAM chips, the sound varies with the tempo setting. I also noticed
that the keys/buttons are polled at a fairly high rate. And of course
by individually mixing the bits off of the DAC, the sound can become very
Drum sounds change pitch along with the voices. I think it's strange
how much the drum sounds here resemble FM drums from the OPL2 chip, etc.
I'm sure these older keyboards don't use FM, but I suspect maybe Yamaha
used some of their existing technology for primitive digital drums, or
maybe they deliberately emulated the sounds for the FM chips (I doubt it).
Question: Can anybody tell me what
the original plotter ball pen for Yamaha MP-1 looks like? I want
to replicate one.
With my Yamaha MP-1 someone had stuffed
a cylindrical lump of tar- like dirt into the tuning trimmer hole. I first
thought it was the remain of the plotter pen, but according to the instruction
sticker on the plotter lid a ball pen was used for it. Someone e-mailed
me that also his Yamaha PC-100 had
the same sticky stick in its trimmer hole, and after a close look even
at my PC-100 trimmer hole I discovered some black smeary stains from it.
Thus it was apparently originally placed there by the manufacturer and
not just stuffed in by a kid. Thus likely it was some kind of plug that
was originally made of some wrongly mixed or accidentally unvulcanized
rubber compound, that turned into pulp after few years. I only know that
my Yamaha PS-20
and PS-30 had
badly smearing dissolved black foam rubber pods at their case bottom. However
I don't understand why anybody should plug a trimmer hole tight with a
soft material at all. It might be that the case was painted after assembly
(which makes very little sense) and the soft plug thus should protect the
electronics against paint, and the manufacturer forgot to remove it.
of these screws voids warranty... |